My sweet Riley's birthday is tomorrow. I don't want to be busy on the computer tomorrow so I am posting today. I am so proud of Riley. She has grown so much in the last year. She asked Jesus to be her Lord and Savior this year, she has become a big sister again, and she has taken on many responsibilities on her own without us asking her to. She is my child who gets up by herself each morning and gets herself completely ready without any prodding from us. She helps me so much with Charlie and he loves her so much.
When I found out I was pregnant with Riley, John Adams was only 8 months old and Charles was just about to graduate from seminary. We had tried for a couple of years to have children, before John Adams, and though we had been successful, 3 of the 4 pregnancies had ending in miscarriage. So once John Adams got here, we were just breathing a sigh of relief and thanking Jesus for the opportunity to be parents, if only to this one little boy. Well, as happens so many times, God had bigger plans and along came Riley. At first, I was a little overwhelmed to think of having 2 'babies' but it didn't take long to be completely excited at this blessing God had given us at just the right time.
Riley is such an incredible blessing and rarely does a day go by that I don't look at her and think of God's goodness and grace.
Happy Birthday,Riley!
I love you and pray that in everything you do, you will SHINE for Jesus!