Thursday, July 14, 2011

One of Those Days

Today I was having one of those days. I had gotten a babysitter for the 2 little ones, the big kids are at camp, and I had a list of things to accomplish. The first 2 things were going to Walmart and then to get my car washed. I got to Walmart and got everything I needed, which included school supplies. I was so glad to get that done. Being that I was doing this early instead of a few days before school starts, I really tried to think about each of my children and what they would want. You know, what color pencil box would Riley get if she were here. As I am buying their supplies, I am a little saddened that the summer is coming to a close quickly. And another year is upon us, which will be over and behind us just as quickly. My children are growing much faster than I ever imagined. But that's another post all together....back to my day. I left Walmart and went through the car wash. Then pulled into a parking space to vacuum out the car. OK..all those little warm fuzzy feelings I was having about my precious children melted right on the hot pavement. I looked in my 'way' back seat, as we affectionately call it, and there was the biggest mess I have ever seen. There were shoes, torn up paper, candy wrappers, candy, pens, pencils, etc, etc, etc. By the end of the clean up, my children were never going to have anything new ever again nor were they ever going see the sight of another electronic device. I was really upset with them that this was how they had treated our car. I know I should not be shocked but the backseat isn't like this and just assumed the 'way' back was the same. Boy, was I wrong. Anyway, after much mumbling and complaining, I came up with a plan and discussed it with Charles. We made a plan together of how to help our children continue to learn about responsibility and helping out as part of this family. That is not the point of this post. Tonight I sat down at my computer after much struggle to get our 4 in the bed. I was just going to quickly look at facebook and then go take a bath, but I happen to come across this website on a friend's status who has 5 children. Motherhood Is a Calling (And Where Your Children Rank). Wow! I was instantly reminded of what my calling as a mother really is about. I am blessed beyond measure by my Heavenly Father. I have had many people look at me with my 4 and ask me if I know how that happens. How sad that people think so little. All those little things like messy backseats or spots on the sofa are just small potatoes. I have the opportunity to teach my children that they are a gift and God has put them on this earth for something special. Or I can teach them that they are a complete burden. I make the choice each day. I pray I will choose the first and make a conscious effort to show them that.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Life-Changing Experience

If you can't tell I am trying to catch up on my life without having one big, long post. Probably the biggest thing that has happened in the Uptain household, other than having a baby, is Riley became a Christian and was baptized. Riley is one of those children that is very shy in front of a group. She loves to act and sing and cheer, in the privacy of her room. And sometimes she will venture out and do these things in front of her immediate family. But in front of a large group of people, she gets very nervous. Which leads me to about 2 years ago. She had started asking lots of questions about Jesus and why He died on the cross. Was God real? Charles is the Children's Minister at our church so he talks to kids all the time about these types of questions. They talked on and off and she talked with me on and off about what she knew about Jesus. We both talked to her about the fact that the Bible says the only way to get to Heaven is by asking Jesus to forgive you of the things you have done wrong and believing that Jesus died for all those things. That He is the Son of God. If you think about it, this is such an AWESOME thing to get to talk to your child about. Well Riley knew all the right answers but did not want to ask Jesus to do anything for her. WHAT?! I did not understand. We finally figured out she was scared to death to go in front of the church and tell them her decision, which is what Baptists do, and to be baptized in front of the whole church. So we prayed and prayed and prayed. Finally, after 2 years of talking, Riley came down one morning in March and told us she was ready to ask Jesus to forgive her of all the bad things she had done. She had actually written herself a note the night before to make sure she remembered to tell us. So amidst all the morning routine of getting ready for school, we dropped everything and had the most precious prayer time with Riley. She knew exactly what she wanted to say and do. That is just who she is. It was wonderful! The absolute best way to have started my day! She was baptized on May 1st. You know, this was just another time God was showing me I needed to trust Him. He had her spiritual birthday picked out before she was even born. I kept trying to bring up the topic with her but to no avail. God had a plan. Will I ever learn?
Hope you have a blessed day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Did I mention that while I wasn't blogging, my oldest child, John Adams turned 10. Ten!!! Just for the record, I am not old enough to have a 10 year old. Ok, maybe I am but I certainly don't feel that old. I am forever 25. You know, if we get to pick, that is the age I choose to be. It was a good year. John Adams was born right before I turned 25. And I found out I was pregnant with Riley. Good year!
Anyway, J turned 10 and he is about to start 5th grade. He had 4 boys spend the night and we went bowling. Which I am horrible at, but really have fun doing. It was a lot of fun. (Can I just mention that 10 year olds can't have their picture taken without having some goofy face. Don't get it.) Well, we decided a long time ago that 10 is the last birthday party year. Please don't think we won't celebrate our children's birthdays after age 10. We absolutely will. Birthdays are a very big deal in our family. We just won't have lots of friends over. One or 2 friends will be plenty. I guess the important thing is to make sure my children feel special on their special day. They will never turn 10 or whatever age again. God has given them to us for another year and I think it is important to celebrate! Even if it is to just fixing a special meal and cake.
Hope you all have a blessed day!